Thursday 30 March 2017

Shot at on the way to school

Shot at on the way to school. This injury to a 15-year old from a rubber bullet was one of a number sustained before school in Abu Dis today. The Israeli army put jeeps in the area of the two secondary boys' schools as if they had made a plan to disrupt and stop the schools today. Tear gas and shootings with rubber bullets met the boys before they arrived at school, and the schools are now closed (*for at least the fourth time this month*) because the tear gas makes it impossible for them to stay open.  Boys working hard for their exams and to improve their future have a serious obstacle in their way,  boys who aren't well are made worse by the tear gas... The situation is appalling and tense.

Today is Land Day, commemoration of a day in 1976 when the Israeli army shot and killed demonstrators protesting against the confiscation of land - and on that day too,  Ali Afaneh from Abu Dis, aged 11, was shot and killed when on a demonstration after school against the developing Israeli settlements (his story is in our book "Voices from Abu Dis")  #CADFA #LinkingTogether4HumanRights

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