Thursday 10 December 2015

من طلاب مدرسة أبوديس الثانوية للذكور

منذ بداية الإنتفاضة اعتقل الجيش الإسرائيلي الكثير من الشبان والأطفال وجميعهم ما دون 18 من بينهم طلاب من مدرستنا من الصف التاسع اعتقل الطلاب 1) محمود عوده عريقات 2) إبراهيم أبو مذكور 3) اسامه سعيد ربيع 4) موسى زعرور ومن الصف العاشر اعتقل الطلاب 1) شكري عدنان الحنش 2)البراء قاس.

وقبل أيام قتل الجيش الإسرائيلي الشهيد مازن حسن عريبه من أبوديس واحتجزوا جثمانه وهو الآن في مقابر الأرقام على قوات الاحتلال الغاشم وهو أب ل4 أطفال لا تتجاوز أعمارهم 10 سنوات قد هدد الجيش الإسرائيلي العائلة بهدم المنزل.

صور لعدد من الطلاب الذين تم إعتقالهم مؤخراً

Thursday 26 November 2015

Skype links with Abu-Dis

Saoirse, Lucy, Hajar, Eloise, Sorcha and Ryan meet at the CADFA office for the Skype call to Abu-Dis

Skype call
Yesterday, the youth links team met to catch up with the young people from Abu-Dis via a Skype call. It was lovely to speak to some of the young people we had met earlier in the year and find out what everybody had been up to since the visit in June. We found the discussion very shocking, they told us that due to the Military rule on Palestinian streets, it isn't safe for young people to stay out with their friends. Their parents are often worried about them and won't risk letting their children out after school times. Unfortunately, due to this a lot of the people who took part in the exchange visit in June weren't able to make it to the CADFA friendship house for the Skype call. 

Saleh told us about his experience at a refugee camp where he spends some of his weekends to visit his family. Israeli soldiers often invade the camp on weekends with explosives and the camp is crowded with over 20,000 people living in it. 

Young people in Palestine are not able to peacefully protest against the occupation. All four of the boys we spoke to yesterday had been shot with rubber bullets (which may not sound dangerous but in some cases can kill people.) Fortunately the boys were lucky and were not severely hurt by the rubber bullets. For these young boys, just getting to and from school is a struggle. 

Monday 23 November 2015

UN Children’s day – Protect Palestinian children

Today is UN Children’s day and the CADFA youth links team have recognised it by organising a demonstration/protest. The day acknowledges universal children’s Human Rights, the right to education and the right to family life. 
Since 1st October 2015, 17 children have been killed in Palestine and many injured by the Israeli army. 2,500 have to go through at least one checkpoint a day on their journey to school. Palestinian children’s education is often disrupted by tear gas fired by Israeli soldiers and 133 children have been arrested since 1st October. CADFA youth links team are calling out for protection of the Palestinian children and the rights they are entitled to. 
The youth links team work together to build friendship links between British and Palestinian young people as well as promoting Human Rights and International Law in Palestine. CADFA hold exchange visits where Palestinian children are given the opportunity to share their own experiences and stories. The group’s aim is to inform and educate people about the abuse of Human Rights in Palestine. The team’s blog is or you can contact CADFA on Facebook or twitter CADFA (Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association)

Tuesday 10 November 2015

#CADFA #YouthlinkswithPalestine on the streets

CADFA Youth Links Demonstrations/Protests

Beth handing out leaflets on child imprisonment and Ryan with a petition to the Foreign secretary collecting signatures on Church Street, Stoke Newington

Ryan again collecting signatures for the petition in Kentish Town. Sorcha and Bea holding up a banner "End the violence. Stop the killings. Human rights for Palestinians."
The CADFA youth links team have recently taken part in a number of protests/ stalls in the streets, protesting against the killings, woundings and arrests of young people in the West Bank and the arrests of hundreds of them including the brother of one of our friends. We invite other young people to join us!

Wednesday 16 September 2015

13 year old Ali was arrested by Israeli soldiers yesterday

Two boys from Abu Dis Boys' School were arrested yesterday by Israeli soldiers - See more of the story here   CADFA REPORT 16th September

We are writing to our MP about this and asking young people to join with us to demand their release.

Friday 11 September 2015

Youth links prepare to visit Palestine...

Yesterday the CADFA office was completely full of people as people in the youth links group brought along parents and friends and we all talked about the planned visit to Palestine - in fact, how to do it if Erasmus + are not able to fund it.  After lots of discussion, we decided to run the visit at the end of the year after the exams, to allow time to fundraise.

Today people came back to talk more about it and to make plans for the fundraising - A challenge we will meet!! 

Below...why we want to visit Palestine. And below that, what we are going to do about it...

Why do we want to visit Palestine?

By CADFA Youth Links

To learn about Palestinian culture

To understand Palestinian life

To learn more about Palestinian restriictions and their treatment

To actually see the things we’ve learned about for example checkpoing and the Wall

To see different things and places

To visit Jerusalem

To see the Dead Sea

To see the people we met again

To learn more Arabic and teach some English

To eat Palestinian food

To come home and be able to tell our own stories and experiences

And what we are going to do about it...
  • A sponsored walk on CADFA's birthday 4th October.
  • A Palestine festival on UN Children's Day 20th November.
  • A jumble sale (date to be decided)
  • Making fundraising pages
  • Cake sales at five different schools

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Goodbye event and finishing off

Hey everyone,

tomorrow we will have a event, which will include presentations from the evs volunteers, foot and other things. It mainly an opportunity to say good bye because we, the EVS volunteers are leaving CADFA soon.

For me this are the last working days! One of the things I enjoyed the most was working with the youth links, because I met so man nice, smart end engaged young people. I hope you will all continue working with CADFA and experience lots of nice things next year. Hopefully I can read lots of things on this blog from Germany. 

Bye Bye :)


Sunday 9 August 2015

Dar Assadaqa summer camp - the first week.

تتواصل فعاليات مخيمنا الصيفي للأسبوع الثاني  بمشاركة متطوعينا من بريطانيا بالتعاون مع متطوعينا المحليين خلال الأسبوع الأول زار مخيمنا جامعة القدس ومدينة بيت لحم  ومخيم عايدة للاجئين
هذا الأسبوع سيكون هناك زيارة لمركز المرفأ والدفاع المدني بالإضافة الى رحلة مدينة أريحا أو بلدة بير زيت
مجموعة من الصور لرحلة يوم الخميس الماضي الى مخيم عايدة ومدينة بيت لح  


Friday 17 July 2015

Last Day of CADFA work experience

We have had a wonderful time working for CADFA this week. Sorcha and I have focused much of our work here on the Picnic for Palestine on July 20th. We have been publicising for the event by creating and distributing leaflets as well as creating a Facebook event page. However, we have also done many other things such as sending letters to local newspapers and radio stations about the sponsored fast we took part in and the picnic and making powerpoint presentations and certificates that can be used by CADFA in future. We are very thankful to the CADFA team for welcoming us into the office and for helping us make this experience a success. 

This is the leaflet we made for the picnic.
 We hope that man of you can make it.

Ryan Soraghan

Tuesday 14 July 2015

CADFA Eid event

Yesterday I made a leaflet about the CADFA Eid event on the 23rd of July 2015 .
  at the Calthrope Project.
I'm so excited about this event. It will be the next week after Eid Al-Fitir .
Les will play some Arabic music with the SOAS Arabic Band and I will sing  Arabic songs by Firouz, I am a bit nervous .
This event is celebration and awareness at the same time.
People will enjoy the music with  delicious Palestinian food. 
I hope everything will be wonderful.


Monday 13 July 2015

Ryan and Sorcha's first day of Work Experience at CADFA

Hello everyone,

Today we did our first day of work experience at CADFA. We made the leaflets for our picnic event happening on the 20th July. We also made the certificates for everyone who participated in the sponsored fast. Then we wrote to the editor of the Camden New Journal about our experience of the fast and the links between Camden and Abu Dis. We are now off to hand out the leaflets for the event.

Ryan and Sorcha

CADFA Picnic

CADFA are inviting you to a picnic event on Monday 20th July at 2pm on Hampstead Heath (near the bandstand).

We aim to use this event to inform people about the stories we were told by the Palestinian children about their experiences of living in Palestine as well as using it to publicise the issues within Palestine. 

We hope to see many of you there!!

Sorcha and Ryan

Wednesday 8 July 2015

The CADFA fast

Last Saturday five of us decided to do a sponsored fast as part of Ramadan for a day to raise money for CADFA. This involved not eating or drinking between 3am and 9.30pm. As all of us had never fasted before, we found the experience a lot harder than we thought it would be.  It was a hot day and as we couldn't drink anything including water we started to struggle soon after waking up. Some of us had prepared by waking up before sunrise to eat an early breakfast, which helped keep us energized throughout the day. At the end of the day we all met up at a restaurant with other CADFA volunteers to break our fast. Eating with us were others who had been fasting for many years and were used to participating in Ramadan.

"It was really difficult to begin with but once I got used to it, it got easier. I know have a lot of respect for the people who do Ramadan for a whole month" - Lucy

"Although I only fasted for a day I found the whole experience very difficult and challenging.  I have a lot of respect for those who take part in Ramadan and work in high temperatures!!"  - Sorcha 

"Fasting made me grateful for the food and water that I take for granted" - Saoirse

                                     These are a few photos of us breaking our fast together.

Our fotocollage


 Lucy ans Saroirse  created a piece of art yesterday. We remembered all this beautyfull and funny moments with you!!! Hope you like it :)