Tuesday 21 June 2016

They caused no threat, yet shot

His name is Mahmoud Ra'fat Badran, 15 years old, he was together with his friends and other people from his village Beit Our Ettahta, near Ramallah, last night in two cars, they all were in a park in Beit Sira village, relaxing, having refreshments and spending some good time. Once finished, they drove their cars back home, they didnt know that death is awaiting them, once reached close to their town, about to enter a small tunnel under a Zionist occupation apartheid road used only by colonists and soldiers, the fascist soldiers opened fire from top down, the bullets of treachery and hatred penetrated the cars roofs and their tender flesh, killing Ra'fat and injuring the rest (6 people young people), the corps of Ra'fat and other 3 wounded were kidnapped by the fascist soldiers. 

Sunday 19 June 2016

Tuesday 14 June 2016


CADFA will be holding an iftar at the beautiful Calthorpe Project, open to all -home-cooked food and entertainment in the garden if the weather is good or inside if it isn't. Come along and enjoy an evening that will fundraise for CADFA and also celebrate the achievements of the CADFA volunteers! Doors open 8pm, meal around 9.15.

On 25th June, welcome everybody

Friday 10 June 2016

The Youth Center in LONDON

What i notice in LONDON is that there are many Youth Centers everywhere, this shows there is great interest by government and civil society institutions about the youth. For e.x. DRAGON HALL CENTRE, cares what is new in the world of knowledge and technology to offer to young people to learn. like OCULUS game,
It give you a chance to live in the virtual world of the game. It;s really interesting.

And they have the ULTIMAKER to teach the youth how thay can make the small models.

Thursday 2 June 2016

شادي فراح أصغر اسير فلسطيني

نشرت "كيوبرس" تقريرا متلفزا عن الطفل الأسير شادي فراح (12 عاما)، والذى يعتبر أصغر أسير في السجون الإسرائيلية، وقد طالبت عائلته كافة المؤسسات الانسانية والحقوقية التدخل والتحرك لإنقاذ ابنهم المعتقل، بعد تعرضه للتعذيب النفسي والجسدي.
واعتقلت سلطات الاحتلال الطفل فراح قبل عدة أشهر برفقة صديقه أحمد الزعتري (13 سنة) .
يشار إلى أن سلطات الاحتلال تحتجز في معتقلاتها ما يقارب 400 طفل، يعيشون ظروفًا صحية وإنسانية قاسية، وينتظر عدد منهم أحكامًا عالية قد تصل إلى المؤبد.