Monday 23 January 2017

الى محمد ....

اليوم ذكرى استشهاد الطفل محمد نبيل وهذه الذكرى السنوية    (English below)

من دانية الى محمد : مكانك ليس هناك رحلت مبكرا من المفترض ان يكون محمد بين رفقائه في سنته الجامعية الاولى
من صالح الى محمد :انت يا من كنت المعيل الوحيد لعائلتك فقد عشت يتيما ومت شهيدا . 
كان محمد المعيل الوحيد لعائلته بعد وفاة والده فتحمل المسؤولية من عمر صغير فكان يدرس ويعمل ليعيل  عائلته المكونة من اربعة افراد ولكن في مثل هذه الوقت من العام قبل سنة وأثناء عودة محمد لمنزله قامت قوة من الاحتلال باطلاق النار على محمد مما ادى الى اصابته وتركه جنود الاحتلال ينزف وهو ملقى على الارض ومنعو وصول الاسعاف اليه مما ادى الى استشهاد .

لولا ظلم الاحتلال وطغيانه لكان محمد يمارس حياته الطبيعية بين رفقائه وكان قد انهى الان سنته الجامعية الاولى ..

صديقنا محمد فلترقد روحك بسلام

(translation of above)
23rd January 2017

To Mohammed,

From Dania to Mohammed: Your place should not be there, you left early. You should have been among your friends in your first year at the university now.

From Saleh to Mohammed: You were the only support for your family. You lived as an orphan and you died as a martyr.

Mohammed used to be the only support for his family. After his father's death, he took responsibility when he was still young. He used to study and work to support his family which had four members. A year ago today, while Mohammed was coming back home from his work, the Israeli army shot and wounded him. They left him bleeding on the ground and refused to allow the ambulance to reach him, till he died.
If it weren't for the injustice and discrimination of the occupation, Mohammed would have lived his normal life. He could have been with his friends in his first year at university.

1 comment:

  1. (translation of above)
    23rd January 2017

    To Mohammed,

    From Dania to Mohammed: Your place should not be there, you left early. You should have been among your friends in your first year at the university now.

    From Saleh to Mohammed: You were the only support for your family. You lived as an orphan and you died as a martyr.

    Mohammed used to be the only support for his family. After his father's death, he took responsibility when he was still young. He used to study and work to support his family which had four members. A year ago today, while Mohammed was coming back home from his work, the Israeli army shot and wounded him. They left him bleeding on the ground and refused to allow the ambulance to reach him, till he died.
    If it weren't for the injustice and discrimination of the occupation, Mohammed would have lived his normal life. He could have been with his friends in his first year at university.
